This page will give an overview on the Farming Tab on Palm Finance.
Staking PUST in the Stability Pool
The Stability Pool is the first line of defense in maintaining system solvency. Users can stake their PUST in the Stability Pool to help repay the debts of liquidated Asset portfolios that fall under the minimum 110% collateral ratio.
Over time Stability Providers lose a pro-rata share of their PUST deposits, but are expected to make liquidation gains and receive early adopter rewards in form of PALM tokens.
Staking Curve LP Tokens
One way to get PALM tokens is by providing liquidity in the PUST pool on Curve and staking the Curve LP tokens on the Palm Finance platform. At launch, around 70% of PALM emissions will be going to the Curve pool, and would be one of the best ways to earn PALM..