Palm Calculator
This page will explain how to navigate through the Palm Finance Calculator
What is the PalmCalculator?
The PalmCalculator is the best way to visually see all the factors involved when opening or managing a Asset portfolio. We recommend playing around with the Palm Calculator before opening serious positions on Palm Finance.The Palm Calculator is not by any means financial advice or a replacement for proper research.Instead, use the Palm Calculator to visualize possible liquidation scenarios rather than forgoing research.
Asset portfolio Collateral Simulator
The Asset portfolio Collateral Simulator can be used to simulate different collateral price impacts on your Asset portfolio.If you've already opened a Asset portfolio, the default state would show the collaterals and balances in your Asset portfolio.Hit Add Collateral Type to start adding different collaterals to the PalmCalculator.
Collateral - The names of collateral in your Asset portfolio/simulation.
Balance - The number of each tokens in your Asset portfolio.
Current Price - The market price of the collateral asset.
Price Slider - Simulate the price changes of the collateral in your Asset portfolio.
Price - The simulated price of the collateral in your Asset portfolio.
Safety Ratio - The ratio that weights the collateral based on risk. Higher-risk collaterals have a lower safety ratio and are given a lower weight when calculating the risk adjusted value of your Asset portfolio.
Risk Adjusted Value - The weighted value of your collateral based on safety ratio. Risk Adjusted Value = Balance * Price * Safety Ratio.
Add Collateral Type
The Add Collateral Type modal will pop up and show Token, Safety Ratio, and Wallet Balance. Select the collaterals you want to play around with and hit the Add button afterwards.
Afterwards, you can see all the different collateral types you have added. Now you can play around by changing the balances for each collateral and either use the slide to adjust the prices or enter an amount in the boxes.Remember that Weighted Collateral Value is equal to the Balance * Price * Safety Ratio of the collateral in your Asset portfolio.
Click the Reset button to go back to the default state. If you have a Asset portfolio open, the default state would be the assets and the amount in your Asset portfolio.
Overall Stats
The Overall Stats section shows Overall Asset portfolio Stats, Debt, Summary, Total Weighted Collateral Value, Total PUST Debt, and Individual Collateral Ratio.Adjust the Overall Asset portfolio Stats and Debt to see changes in your Total Weighted Collateral Value and Individual Collateral Ratio.
OverallAsset portfolio Stats - A slider that simulates the overall change of your Asset portfolio excluding stablecoins.
Debt - A slider to adjust the amount of PUST you can borrow, with the bounds being the minimum and maximum amount you can borrow.
Total Risk Adjusted Value - The total weighted value of the Asset portfolio based on risk.
Individual Collateral Ratio - Your Asset portfolio's collateral ratio and the Risk Adjusted Value of your Asset portfolio over the total PUST debt. Remember to keep it above 110% to avoid liquidations.
Summary - The summary explains the percentage that your simulated Asset portfolio would have to decrease by to liquidatable.