PALM Token
PALM Token Info
Token Name: PALM token
Token Symbol: PALM
Max. supply: 10,000,000,000 tokens.
Token Allocation
50% Community Incentives: Liquidity mining incentives of multi-chain deployments, long-term liquidity providers, genesis liquidity providers, and grant programs.
25% Current & Future Team: Linear vesting over 48 months. This allocation will be split among a core team, non-core contributors, and future team members.
15% Foundation: Development cost, security, smart contract auditing, service providers (legal), operational expenses, promotions and partnerships. Foundation have the same vesting schedule as team.
10% Strategic Investors: Strategic investors have the same vesting schedule as team and will continue to advise on the future development of the protocol. If not used, this 10% will be divided among the Foundation and Community Incentives pool.
Community Token Distribution
To encourage community to participate in Palm Platform, PALM tokens rewards will distributed according the plan. The token emission schedule will be announced within 15 days before Palm protocol goes live.