Stake PUST in Stability Pool
Stake PUST to receive PALM tokens and a share of the liquidation profits.
Stake PUST to receive PALM tokens and a share of the liquidation profits.
Users can stake PUST in the Stability Pool to receive PALM rewards and liquidation profits based on the share of staked PUST to the pool. To know how Stability Pool and liquidation work here.
New Total Deposit - The total amount of staked PUST after adjustment.
New Estimated Weekly Rewards - The estimated rewards you will receive for a week based on your share of PUST staked in the pool. The more PUST you deposit, the higher the estimated rewards.
Palm Reward APR - Estimated Annual Percentage Rate of PALM rewards by staking PUST in Stability Pool.
Press Stake when you are ready to stake PUST into the pool. Then Confirm Stake to execute the transaction.
To unstake your PUST from Stability Pool, make sure the Unstake button is highlighted, and enter the amount in PUST that you want to withdraw.
Once you are ready to unstake, click the Unstake button.
Hitting the Unstake button will open the Confirm Unstake modal.
Click Unstake to finish withdrawing your PUST from stability pool.
This section shows the data of your staked PUST
Total Deposited - The total PUST you have deposited in Stability Pool
Pool Share - The percentage of you staked amount to the entire pool. (i.e. if you deposited 100 PUST and there is 10,000 PUST in the pool, your Pool Share is 1%)
Rewards Earned - The total value of rewards in PALM that you have earned so far.
Click Claim to withdraw all the rewards accumulated over your staking period.
Whenever you are ready to collect your rewards, click the Claim button.